Help Boost Your Immunity by Implementing These Tips

  • Drink room temperature water, especially upon rising. Water should be the first thing that you ingest in the morning - breaking your fast “breakfast”

  • Sip your water while sitting down as this assists with hydration

  • Drink 30 minutes prior to eating or 30 minutes after you eat as this aids in digestion

  • Eat fruits and vegetables separately. This will alleviate you from having an ash on your stomach

  • When you eat overheated food, you run the risk of burning your taste buds and this may lead to bad breath

  • To assist with benefitting from the nutrients of your food, eat a variety of healthy food to create balance

  • Dry brush your skin and rub towards your heart. This improves circulation and is especially good for your lymph nodes

You are what you eat!

We should work on keeping our bodies in an alkaline state.

When our bodies are in an alkaline state, we decrease our chances of contracting diseases. Disease thrives in acidic bodies. An acidic body provides opportunities for inflammation, weight gain, bodily pain, infection, etc.

Listed below are a few herbs and their uses (there are more). These herbs will assist with a myriad of ailments as well as assist in creating an alkaline environment within our bodies:

Mullein - Make a tea of this herb when you’re experiencing allergies, bronchitis, asthma, lung infections, difficulty breathing, and hay fever.

Yellow Dock Root - Cleanses your blood, alleviates swelling, glandular tumors, & itching.

Burdock Root - Blood cleanser, aids in the relief of skin diseases, boils, canker sores, and gout. It also increases the flow of urine.

Stinging Nettle - Assists with kidney health, natural pain reliever, increases menstrual flow, expels worms, helps with diarrhea, hemorrhoids, and rheumatism.

Myrrh - Bronchitis relief, promotes lung health, assists with pyorrhea. Excellent mouthwash, gum strengthener, relieves ulcer pain, and soothes bedsores.

Dandelion - Purifies the blood, assists with jaundice, eczema, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, the liver, and the pancreas.

Sage - Dries up breast milk, used as a food seasoning. Sore throat relief, soothes upset stomach, expels intestinal worms, aids in liver and kidney health, and may be used as a hair growth tonic.

Rosemary - Stimulates menstrual flow, increases sweating, relieves colds, colic, nervous conditions, and headaches. Used as a food seasoning. Great for rinsing your mouth, hair growth, and sore throat.

Visit our online store to shop for the herbs listed above.


As a student of Dr. Sebi, we learned that Irish Sea Moss is a MUST if ultimate health is what you desire.

Dr. Sebi also taught us that sea vegetables are healthy and necessary. Sea vegetables taste good, and are a great salt substitute.

Some of the sea vegetables that Mama Lean recommends are the following:

Arame - Soak for five minutes before you’re ready to use

Dulse - Dark purple flat sheet looking

Wakame - Soak for five minutes

Hijike - Soak for half hour, rinse, and portion as it swells

Kelp - Comes in various forms, choose the form most suitable to your palate

Kombu - Enhances the flavor of food and aids in digestion

Nori - Most popular. Used for sushi

Irish Sea Moss - Wash well with spring water, separate, wash again, rinse, and soak for 24 hours

Visit our online store to shop for the sea vegetables listed above.

About Our Products


Original Formulas

Mama Lean makes all formulas from scratch and uses the best possible herbs, capsules, and products. Whenever possible, products are organic, locally grown, and/or derived from trusted sources.

Highly Effective

Our products are highly effective when you abide by the protocol. We do not advise that anyone simply purchase herbal capsules and/or teas without first consulting with Mama Lean or one of her experienced team members. Herbs have optimal results when they are taken properly.

Hemp Seed Hearts

Hemp seed hearts are an excellent source of magnesium. They contain Linoleic Acid which studies have found to reduce cholesterol and may reduce blood pressure. Hemp seed hearts may aid in the prevention of coronary heart disease.

Visit our online store to shop for hemp seeds.


Weight Loss

Hemp seeds are rich in fiber and that makes them a natural appetite suppressant, which may aid in weight loss. They also include Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids which improve heart health by reducing cholesterol, blood pressure, an triglycerides..